Foods - Skin Care

From the beginning of this world, everyone wish to have a healthy and glowing skin. Because it is the most attractive feature of human being. So we can say that skin is most important part of your appearance.

It is very much true that "we are what we eat". So for beautiful skin, we have feed it right. If we are not eating right than all the creams and makeup products are waist. So we should eat the food which contains below ingredients:
  • Protective antioxidants
  • Good essential fatty acids such as Omega-3
  • Skin-nurturing vitamins A and E
  • Minerals Selenium, Zinc and Iron
  • B-complex family

So according to the above ingredients, I recommend the below five foods:

1. Berries:

This is the first food, which we should replace it with our unhealthy food like chips or snacks. Different kind of Berries are there like strawberries, blackberries, and black currants. All these berries are rich in antioxidants. You can include them in salad or desserts in your meal. These berries contain raw antioxidants which are the great source for our skin. As we know that Antioxidants are free-radicals destroying substances, which protect us from minor infections and collagen damage.

2. Spinach And Broccoli

Vitamin A is there in both of these greens. The skin get filled again to the fresher state with the help of these leafs and the age visibility get reduced. There are great fighters of cancer cells. In my childhood, my mother always forced to eat this. Carrots can also be a replacement of it as it is another source of Vitamin A and it clears the breakouts and reduce the pore clogging.

3. Salmon, Flax seeds and Walnuts

These three are enrich with Omega 3. As we know that Omega 3 is good fat for our body. Salmon Fish, walnuts and flaxseeds are high in Omega 3. But remember that we should not intake the bad fat in parallel such as saturated food. Wrinkles will get reduced with the use of this and Body remains in hydrated position.


4. Low Fat Yogurt:

It is a product which contains natural bacteria which is very good for your and it contains lots of Vitamin A. Acne and eczema kind of problems can be handled by low sugar and low fat yogurt. 
5. Green Tea

We know water comes first when it comes to healing any illness and green team comes second. It contains anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties. It can heal sun damage to the skin. You can put the used tea bag in the fridge and after sometime you can put it on your eyes. Due to its properties, it can give you great relief.


So by using the above foods, Your skin will feel younger and bright and you can maintain the youthfulness for long rung. So Adopt these eating habits and stay healthy

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