Yoga Treatment - Ardha Chandrasana


 Ardha chandrasana is a Sanskrit word which means Half Moon Pose. it is refers to the brilliance of the moon. In this pose you have to extent torso(upper portion of the body ) in one direction and the uplifted leg in the other draws a line that represents the flat edge of a half moon, while the energy in your extended arms and standing leg radiate out like beams in the night sky. Though this asana you will learn how to balance and grow awareness in about disorienting position. This asana help you in solving the lower-back problems, relieving sacrum pain, sciatica pain, and lumbar aches. Ardha Chandrasana start and end with extended triangle pose i.e Utthita Trikonasana, so you'll need to be comfortable with that pose first. Because of the external rotation of the standing leg, opening of the chest, and lateral extension of the spine, Ardha Chandrasana is like a balancing version of Triangle, and you may just find that your Triangle improves because of Half Moon.

The idea of "radiating out" in a balancing pose may sound out of reach. But I've found that if you concentrate on creating stability in your standing leg, hip, shoulder blades, and tailbone, you'll have a strong foundation from which to extend and expand in all directions. The variations here will help you build that foundation so you can balance with confidence and shine in all directions. In the first variation, with your back against the wall, you can experience the shape of the pose without having to struggle to keep your balance; in the second variation, you'll focus on the stretch of the torso and top leg in opposite directions. In the final pose, you can put all of the components together, so that with strength and stability, you can stretch and expand like a brilliant moon. 

Benefits of Ardha Chandrasana :

  • Helps with some kinds of lower back pain
  • Strengthens back, legs, hips, and abdomen
  • Increases flexibility of spinal muscles
  • Eases premenstrual tension

Contraindications(not advisable):

  • Recent hip or knee replacement
  • Osteoporosis
  • High blood pressure or eye strain (avoid looking up)


Step 1:The Great Wall

In starting days of doing this pose you should support your back against a wall that will gives you a chance to feel the shape without much of the challenge of balancing, allowing you to work on the proper alignment and the muscle actions in the legs, hips, back, and shoulders. Because of wall support you can also alleviate any fear of falling backward, and thus build confidence in the pose. For this variation I recommend using a block for your hand. The block is helpful if you have a stiff back or tight hamstrings. It essentially raises the floor so that you can lift your torso and experience the lightness and sense of expansion of Ardha Chandrasana.

Step 2
To begin, stand with your back against a strapping wall. Step your feet wide apart, place a block in between the outer edge of the right foot and the wall, and extend your arms to the sides. Turn your right foot and leg out 90 degrees so that the inner edge of the foot is parallel to the wall. Turn the left toes in slightly, but keep the back of your left heel in contact with the wall. Exhale and extend the torso over your right leg, place your right hand on the block, and come into Triangle Pose. Bend the right leg deeply, and step your left foot halfway toward the right foot as you move the right hand and block about a foot (or more if you're tall) forward. Straighten and firm the left leg and keep the right leg bent as you lift the left leg up until the foot is slightly above the pelvis. Turn your right knee out, aiming for the right foot's little toe, as you pull the quadriceps up and straighten the right leg.

Step 3

Press your left thighbone and heel into the wall. Extend the back of your left heel along the wall away from your head as you lengthen your chest away from the left heel. Roll the shoulders back and extend the left arm up in line with the right arm.

Do you feel light and free? Or have you relaxed the muscles, collapsed the chest, and bent the standing knee in order to balance? To radiate extension, inhale as you lengthen your tailbone and buttock toward the left foot. Turn your chest toward the ceiling and the left side of the waist toward the wall. Your head and left shoulder, arm, and heel should be on the wall. Your right buttock may be touching too, but don't lean it on the wall.

Step 4

To come out of the pose, exhale and bend the right knee deeply. Now reach back with the left leg to place the left foot back down on the floor. Put your right hand on your right ankle and straighten both legs, returning to triangle pose (Utthita Trikonasana). Come up on the inhalation, and repeat on your left side. 

Moving Up and Out 


In this variation, the wall does not aid with balance as much as it gives the raised foot something to press into, which helps bring more life into your uplifted leg and align it with the spine. Stand with the outer edge of your left foot against the wall and step your feet apart so that the distance between them is a little less than it would be for Triangle. Your body is perpendicular to the wall this time, not leaning against it. Turn the right foot 90 degrees away from the wall. Place a block on the outside of your right foot. With your right hand on the block and right knee bent, step the left foot forward toward the right foot, and move the block forward 12 inches or more. Then raise the left leg and place the sole of the left foot on the wall. Rest your left hand on your left hip with your elbow bent.

Take a look at both legs to make sure you're set up properly. The left foot should be a little higher than the left side of the pelvis and parallel to the floor, with the arch in line with the right heel. The right leg should be perpendicular to the floor. If it's not, you may need to step your right foot closer to or farther from the wall. Finally, take the back of your head in line with your buttocks. 

Once you're set up, bend both knees. Turn your right thigh out so that your kneecap points over the right toes. On the inhalation, pull your right kneecap and quadriceps up as you straighten your right leg, maintaining the rotation. Now push your left foot into the wall and straighten the left leg by pressing the front of the thigh back. As you lengthen the left Achilles tendon and inner heel into the wall with the foot flexed, lengthen the entire backside of the left leg from the buttocks toward the wall. Now extend your chest and torso away from the wall. 

You can hold the pose for 30 seconds to one minute; to come down, exhale and bend the right leg, step the left foot back to the floor at the wall, and straighten both legs before standing up. Now turn around and repeat on the other side.

On Your Own 

After regular practising with wall when you do this pose without any support of a wall you'll combine the alignment of the back body that you learned in the first variation with the alignment of the uplifted leg that you learned in the second. The back of the body needs to be strong to support you as the wall did. The standing leg and its hip and the shoulder blades need to be firm to help you balance. 

Begin by coming into triangle pose ( Utthita Trikonasana). Then enter the pose as you did for the variations. As you inhale, extend the left leg fully and look straight ahead (not at the floor), with your chin in line with your breastbone. Lengthen the chest to the right so that the right armpit comes directly over the right hand.

Keeping your left leg absolutely straight and your inner left thigh firm, inhale and lift your left leg up toward the ceiling. Reach out from your inner left thigh through your inner heel, broaden the bottom of the left foot, and extend the entire backside of your left leg. Start with your foot flexed, and then press out through your big toe.

Balance the weight evenly on all four corners of your right foot, turn the right leg out, and pull the quadriceps up as you straighten the right leg. Refine the work of the standing leg by cutting your outer right hip, buttock, and tailbone back away from your head without throwing the left leg forward or back. 

Now extend your torso to the right as you lengthen the right armpit forward away from the right thigh. Inhale and extend the left arm up toward the ceiling; use the pull of the left arm to draw the left side of the chest up and away from the right arm. Move the shoulder blades in toward your chest, and open your chest as you turn your trunk toward the ceiling. As you inhale, roll both shoulders back, the way you did when you had the wall behind you, and revolve your chest upward. If you feel stable, turn your head to look up at the top hand. With your legs, hips, spine, and shoulders aligned, you can elongate your lower back by lengthening your top leg and your torso away from one another.

To come out of the pose, bend your right knee deeply and reach back with the left leg to take a large step back with the left foot. Straighten the right leg and return to Utthita Trikonasana. Repeat on the other side. See if you can maintain some of the opening from Half Moon Pose at the end in Triangle so that the blistering quality of firmness and expansion of Ardha Chandrasana becomes accessible in all of your yoga asanas.

Yoga Treatment benefits

Yoga is one of that exercise which is benefited for all age group. Yoga involves good posture and breathing control methods to attain relaxation and increase strength of our body. Yoga is very beneficial for health as well as internal development.

Regular practice of yoga though diffent postures brings elasticity in our body which effect more lubrication of joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, including those usually ignored.

Several researches confirm the beneficial results of constant yoga practices. Even so-called "non-straining" positions affect different sections of the body. The numerous positions all work in harmony to warm up the body, even bodies that at the start were firm.

Yoga is said to be only the exercise which impact all the parts of our body whether it is internal or external organs, even glands too, like prostate, that are barely moved in an entire lifetime. Yoga affects the various body parts in a holistic way. It Trigger and manipulat the organs which help us to keep away the illnesses; and alert us to the beginnings of any possible sickness.

When we do yoga asanas it stretch our body muscles and joint and get to massage the all organs and glands of our body. Yoga also enrich our body the amount of blood. This leads to generate toxin in our body at farthest point, at the same time feeding the other parts of our body. All this detoxification results in generating more of energy and enthusiasm for life and postponing the sign of aging effect. Regularly yoga practise improve our weak muscles and remove extra flab in our body

Unlike other exercise yoga benefited you for long term,it is also leads the development of awareness of an oncoming health disorder, which can then help us correct it or avoid its advancement.

These are purely external benefits from consistent yoga practice. In the end, it is yoga that provides the overall actual advantage of body and mind working in concert. In today’s era of high stress and heavy work load people can get various accounts of mental strength behind astonishing physical achievements and this confirms the mutual connection between mind and body.

Meditation urges mental and physical coordination and produces the body-mind union. We are usually unable to perform, or perform well, our regular functions - at home or work, when our minds are focused on problems, concerns, anxieties. Yoga meditation apparently heals the pressure of mind which puts our physical and emotional systems in disorder.
Yoga and meditation are just like two blades of scissors. Where one blade help in improving external part of our body and another blade helps in improving mind concentration. These two activities cooperate towards the aim of union of mind-body-spirit, a "state of eternal bliss. Meditation and yoga assist in stabilizing our emotional systems by training us to isolate ourselves from our environment. 

The practitioners of yoga did yoga supported by meditation. They meditated is not for minutes but days or weeks. This demanded large amounts of energy and the ability to survive in strict conditions. Several asanas, yoga positions, gave them the greatest amount of power with the least strain and meditation provided the energy and the will to perform the asanas well. It is a good case of cause and effect.

The oneness of mind-body-spirit aim of yogis is realized through the interconnected benefits from the asanas and meditation.

Yoga Treatment - During Pregnancy

In every woman’s life Pregnancy is the most beautiful stage. In this stage of life she is on seventh cloud. During the period of pregnancy her mood is keep on swinging like Happiness, irritation, pain, responsibility, etc. are few things which she will feel. And she has to face many thing during pregnancy. Along with this feeling and problem she has to take lots of care herself and her baby.For that purpose along with good food , she has do proper exercise which make her baby strong and keep her healthy during the pregnancy stage.

It is very important for pregnant woman to stay be active during pregnancy stage. Normally, doctors also suggest a pregnant lady to do few exercises which are good for the mother as well as the baby. Yoga is best exercise during pregnancy stage. There are lots of advantages that a woman can avail by practicing yoga asanas in pregnancy. But there are few particular exercises only which are good for pregnant women. There are few yoga asanas in pregnancy which can be very hazardous for the baby and the mother. 

Do not do following exercise during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should avoid exercises with inversion pose in yoga. Exercises like headstands or in this case upward bow are just not for women who are pregnant. Camel pose is very hazardous along with camel pose. Downward dog pose , frontal planks, all crunches and oblique twists etc should not be preferred by a woman during her pregnancy.

Yoga asanas in pregnancy should be done very carefully. Balancing is one thing which should be strictly avoided during pregnancy. A tiny misbalance can lead to major complications during the pregnancy. So any exercise which needs balancing is not good during pregnancy. It will increase the risk of falling down or may also lead to miscarriage of the baby.

Simple and easy asanas should be done in pregnancy stage of twisting and turning.

Yoga asanas in pregnancy should be chosen which are simple to do without much of twisting and turning. Twisting the body is not possible in pregnancy. Experts suggest that pregnant lady should also avoid exercise which includes lying on the floor. It might hurt the baby in many cases.

These are certain types of yoga asanas which should be avoided during pregnancy . During pregnancy all the exercises are done in standing position only. Also it is important to perform all exercises slowly with proper and deep breathing. Therefore a woman has to be very careful while performing yoga asanas in pregnancy.

Yoga Treatment-Another form of exercise

Yoga treatment is the another form of exercise. All physical exercise including yoga , are beneficial for body as well as they reduces the stress on the body and they also make our bones and muscles strong. However, unlike other exercises, yoga techniques place the physical body in positions that also cultivate awareness, relaxation, concentration and meditation. Due to that on can get recovery from lots of medical illness like head pain, back pain etc.

Yoga asanas are that type of excercise which can be practice by anyone irrespective of his/her age.Yoga is an ancient practice that benefits every age and body type.Yoga asanas and exercises are different from each other, but both aim to similar purpose that is to make our body fit and fine. 

The following points are the main difference between exercise and yoga asanas

  • In yogasanas, we should synchronized breathe with the movements where as this is not in exercise.
  • Energy should preserved in yoga asanas, whereas it is expended in exercise.
  • Yoga lays a lot of stress on awareness, whereas in exercises it may not be there. Here Awareness is in context of deliberately feeling sensations in the body-the physical movement, movement of pranayam, concentration on an area of the body or chakra asanas, etc.
  • Yoga asanas have the concept of counter-poses, whereas it is not in other exercises.
  • In yoga backward bends are followed by forward bends and vice versa, and that whatever is practiced on one side of the body is repeated on the other side.
  • Asanas motivate the parasympathetic nervous system, while exercises stimulate the sympathetic nervous system only.
  • When yoga asanas are performed, it help in control respiration and metabolic rates which leads to slow down, and the consumption of oxygen and body temperature drop down Whereas in exercise, the breath and metabolism speed up, and oxygen consumption and body temperature rise very rapidly.
  • Physical exercises leads to overwork the joints and can often cause rheumatism and inflexibility later in life. The opposite is the case with asanas.
  • In yoga asanas, glands and internal organs are strengthened which leads to overall development of over body; whereas in physical exercises, muscles are strengthened.
  • Physical exercise tends to build up toxins in the body, whereas asanas eliminate them.

Hence the overall conclusion is that the yoga is beneficial for all person whether it is young child or an old person.

Yoga Treatmnet - Konasana Asanas

There are different types of workout in the fitness arena that would go a long way in making the body fit and helathy. It is commonly known that yoga relates to the yielding of the bodies but it is more than that. Because of Yoga, one can get the recovery from lots of diseases. Even a having 2nd stage of cancer, can also get recovery from it. The question What is Yoga Asanas indicates that breathing techniques and right position provide remarkable options to the users. The body along with the mind is in management to provide the best results.

Konasana Asanas

Konasana Asan is very popular because people are advised to stand on their feet so that they able to balance the weight of the body. Talking About Yoga Asanas, one should take breaths in and raise the arm so that blood circulation could be achieved without any issues. By joining the palms and moving the fingers one could create the spire position. Similarly there are different Types of Yoga which could be tried depending on the desires and the specifications of the users.

By stretching the body and the spine one could make sure that they are healthy and fit to take on the challenges of the world. Toning of the abdominal organs could be necessary to get faultless benefits such as the relieving of the back pain. Some people are not aware about the benefits of the yoga because they do not know that it helps to revitalize the body parts. In todays world, people do not get time for exercises and the level of stress is high which creates lots of problems in the long run.

Yoga enables the individuals to bring the self confidence and clarity back so that they are able to face the challenges of life in a better manner. There are different types of Yoga classes which are customized as per the expectations of the users. The children can also do yoga, Yoga improves the digestion system without burps. Sadhana sauna is quite common and practiced by people so that they are able to sustain their focus. The Padma Sadhna is one of the most important asanas which help in meditation and it also allows people to maintain their focus in the most difficult situation.

It is important to relax whilst doing the yoga because it might not benefit the user. Littered thought and mind could lead to negative repercussions on the psyche of the person. It is important to feel the breathing process while doing yoga. Observe the yoga posture in a correct manner because the wrong position might cause a fracture of the body or lead to undesirable results. Be calm and relaxed while doing yoga.

Learning about Yoga Asanas through hands on experience is necessary because it can help to take a pose and come out of it with amazing awareness. If you are able to adapt to yoga assans exactly ,this will help you to achieve your objective.

Parmanent Treatment of Baldness

Lots of people around the world generally male at the age of 40s, used to face baldness. As per the study, they generally loss their front hair line first then it covers their whole scalp gradually.
Baldness may be partial and complete. Some hair thinning spots on temporal or central parts of head may be shown by it. It is an extreme situation, when complete hair loss is observed on whole head of the patient. Male pattern baldness is another term of baldness in men. Several patterns of baldness can be according to degree of hair loss on different mail scalps.

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) hormone production is the main cause of baldness in men, which is also produced in hair follicles of males along with testes, prostate glands and adrenal glands.
The hair growth of body and facial hairs get promoted by it but adverse effect will be put on prostate glands and hairs on head. Due to that ultimate deterioration of hair follicles on scalp begins.

There are lots of benefits of FUE to hair loss patients. It is less aggressive than FUT. it is the not a painful hair transplant technique and even leaves no scars on donor parts. It doesn't result in bleeding during FUE procedure as micro-puches for hair graft harvesting and minute incision for hair graft plantation are used to perform this task with micro blades.

The range of diameter of micro-punch is from 0.8 to 1mm. It is quite a fast procedure of hair restoration after FUE procedure. The total time for FUE procedure lasts for four to five hours. Before that doctors trims the back of the scalp with shaving machine to 1 to 2 mm hair length. To operate the surgery, local anaesthesia is given. The extraction of hair grafts is performed under 2.5 to 5x magnification. 1 to 4 hairs will be there in an extracted graft. In rare chances, 5 to 6 hairs can be there in single graft. It is the most time consuming procedure. The implementation phase comes after extraction. It starts with making incision in suitable and desired directions by surgeon.

FUE hair transplantation plays a key role to treat baldness. Starting from extraction of hair grafts from donor part to the implementation of these to recipient part on the scalp. So it proves that FUE is the most beneficial procedure for natural hair restoration specifically on scars, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard and mustaches. Although FUE is little bit costly than FUT, but most of the people around world are happy with it. Experienced FUE specialist and good health facilities are required for god hair restoration results.

So it is very tempting to opt scarless sugary for both surgeon as well as patients. So it is turning into the best natural hair restoration of beauty hairs and baldness treatment.

Diet Plan - Arthritis Recovery

There are some kind of foods which comes under arthritis diet plan, which can be consumed to reduce to effect of arthritis. Due to the inflammation of the affected areas this disease occurs, which in turn results in extreme pain to your joints. So you can't ignore the nutritional approach, due to which not only inflammation will get reduced also the immunity level will get increased in your body.  So to get recovery from it, One should follow this Diet plan treatment.

Below are selected foods for arthritis diet plan:

- Introduce fruit and vegetables to your daily servings

We all know that lots of Vitamin C is there in the Fruits and Vegetables. So to ease off the pain caused by arthritis, one should intake the fruits and vegetables on daily basis. Fruits such as oranges, lemons, kiwi peaches melons and most of all berries act as good sources of vitamin C. The nutritionists mostly recommend berries such as strawberry and raspberry over all other fruits, as they are very nutritious. The vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli should also be considered as they are also used to slacken arthritis. So As per the ideal arthritis plan, at least 5 servings of both fruits and vegetables should be served in a day.

- Vitamin E foods

Vitamin E also plays a key role in reduce joint pain, i.e. why it is recommended to intake foods rich with Vitamin E. Nuts of different types such as walnuts and almonds fall into this category.
Remember, these nuts are unsalted. Seed also contains Vitamin E, which are eatable such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

- Spices

Do you know that when you add some spices in to your food for better taste, then you have added some bit of medicine into your food? As per the recent studies, to sooth inflammation, spices plays an important role. Spices have the effect of being anti-inflammatory in the body. So we can't remove the spices and herbs from arthritis diet plan, as it will help to clean the body by removing toxins and metals which are harmful. Some spices also reduce the absorption rate of heavy metal and toxic effects. Cinnamon, ginger, curcumin and rosemary are just few among the many spices that fall into this category.

- Avoid dairy products and some selected foods

There are some natural foods which should not be included into the diet plan, as they increases inflammation, which increase pain to your joints. One catagory of food is dairy products. Lots of saturated fats is there in dairy products. Tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and any other food that falls into the category of solanum are not ideal for your body.

- Drink plenty of healthy fluids

The fluids should be the major part of arthritis diet plan, as they keep your body hydrated. At one point, most aches and pains caused by dehydration. So to reduce the amount of inflammation in your joints, ample of water should be drunk. To change the taste of fluids, you can switch to chary juice for some time. High level of anthocyanins is there in it, which reduces inflammation.

So by the above points, you can easily make the choices that which food to take and which one to avoid.

Hyaluronic Acid Cream - Skin Treatment

Hyaluronic Acid cream can do what an ordinary cream cannot. The appearance of aging signs will get reduced by it from your face. This ingredient has gain lots of buzz in the cosmetic world. This is not a newly-discovered element. It is there in the body and decreases with age. To get the treatment for your skin, you need to apply this Hyaluronic acid cream at any stage of age.

Information about Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) occurs naturally in the skin, joints, eyes and heart valves. Its work is to protect and lubricate them. As per scientists, HA is a water-gelling molecule, and it is there in ample quantity in kids and in female till their bodies secrete extrogen regularly. But with the age, Its amount declines, result in joint stiffness and dehydration of skin. Now you can very well understand why specialists focus on the presence of HA in anti aging formula. In the absence of it, your anti aging treatment is incomplete. Now cosmetic world also realized this fact. This is the reason the scientific brands like Hydroxatone inculcate their anti aging creams with HA. You can't get successful in recovering your wrinkles, unless you refill the lost moisture of the skin.
It is very important to hydrate your skin, whether you are young or aged.

Not just skin, but your eyes too feels the burden of aging. Your eyes start showing fatigue, fine lines under the eyes, dullness and other similar imperfections with the reduction in HA. The youthfulness of your eyes can be restored by using products like eye illuminator.

As per the skin experts, the facial creams should not be used under the eyes. Lots of separate creams are available for under the eyes area. You should be extra cautious while treating anti aging of the eyes as they are very delicate part of our body.

Feeding your skin Hyaluronic Acid

There are lots of natural resources available apart from Hyaluronic Acid creams. Even some foods also have HA. Soybeans are rich in phytoestrogens, which are plant derivatives of estrogen. They act as the hormone estrogen in the body.  It is the responsibility of Estrogen to stimulate your body to produce HA. You can achieve normal levels of HA in your body by consuming soybean foods like soya cheese, soy milk and tofu.

As per the scientists at Japan's Yakult Central Institute, soy milk extracts mixed with bifidobacterium (Friendly bacteria), if applied on the skin for about 15 days, can show marvaless increase in the synthesis of HA in the body.

Another news is from a study conducted in Northwestern University Medical School, that Red wine contains resveratrol, which is phytoestrogen. Which stimulates body to produce more HA. It means the person can stay youthful for longer time, if he drink moderate amounts of red wine or even red grape juice.

As per the study, the people in Yuzurihara (Japan) are having wrinkle-free skin, healthy eyesight, and an energetic body even at the age of 80s and 90s. Due to that this placed becomes famous and named as Village of long life. Those people in the village consume starchy root vegetables like sweet potato, which increases the production of HA in the body. It might not be possible to for you to live in this village, but at lease you can purchase Hyaluronic Acid cream or try out some above recommended natural procedures to save your skin.

Treatment of Aging and Wrikles at premature level

Aging and wrinkles at premature level that's too at the age of 30 is not good. If you have been negligent in your twenties and enjoyed sun tanning without proper UV protection, that means you have already developed wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. Now if you have already developed all these things then what should you do to get recovery from this occurrence? The answer is very simple.

Just Implement a proper anti-wrinkle skin care routine as discussed below:

To avoid black-hearted and rough skin which cause wrinkles, you need to protect yourself from sun. Because the natural process of skin aging speeds up with UV rays. It can be prevented by using sun screen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) more than 20.

In addition to this, the time you spend in the sun can be limited by wearing protective clothes such as long sleeve shirt and hats. Just stay under shade. Just remember that sun rays are equally harmful during winter and cloudy days so use sun blocks always.

Sometime it becomes quite difficult for some people to implement a new product such as sunscreen. So there some skin creams as well which have been made with sunscreen protection. The skin cream having SPF over 20 is sufficient to play the role of sunscreen. Just remember that skin cancer and premature aging can be prevented by protecting your skin from UV radiation.

If you want to reduce the appearance of age spots and wrinkles, then It is very important to moisturize the skin with Anti-wrinkle cream daily. Keep yourself safe from frauds, which are selling moisturizers only by the name of anti-wrinkle cream. To finish out age spots, fine lines and hyper pigmentation, use the cream having snail serum ingredient.

The elastin and collagen will get regenerated by Snail serum, so it is very beneficial to reduce wrinkles. The elastin and collagen normally decrease with age. So to rebuild the skin to normal level by decreasing wrinkles, the production of fresh collagen and elastin is required.

The hyper pigmentation problems can be prevented with the help of Rumex extract, and it is a natural ingredient too. It has some similar properties with hydroquinone, a melanin chemical inhibitor without side effects. It works on all skin tones preventing future sun damage.

You should consult the dermatologist, if you are worried about the skin appearance. They can suggest you the right wrinkle cream.

Secret behind weight training supplements

If you are an amateur system builder, then you should take time for it to ask concerns of those unfortunates who are also newbie body constructors. The whole body becomes balanced and it becomes a wonderful hobby because you are doing weight training amateruly. To build the system mass, protein will be the essential ingredient, because mass building is the main goal in coaching part. If some is interested in pursuing proper course of weight training then he can eat protein through lean meats and total grain as a rigorous diet. In any kind of weight training routine, the unhealthy fats are dangerous. The natural weight training is a new slower nevertheless steadier method to build muscular mass. 

Building Trustworthy Muscle 

Just be focused on your goals when you even will consider resistance training. There are lots of things happens throughout life and gaining muscle isn't different, so to handle this knowledge is the only key. For gaining muscle mass considerable quicker, weight training supplements are must. As with the use of this, muscle mass will certainly repair themselves faster and will give muscle mass extra majority and energy. ATP merchants only continue being adequate pertaining to 10-15 a few moments of greatest exertion on the other hand. The muscles will no loner be capable to perform in maximum exercise after your ATP merchants are tired. Muscle will be your body's power source at periods, something anyone draw in for electricity, power, along with driving force. 

Muscular Body building Exercise 

Although you will get assistance from exercise to get desire body yet proper eating routine is most crucial. It is a fact that the healthiest way to have the desired body is Exercise. Although some men and women face critical time losing body weight but could gain muscles pretty quickly. The cornerstone in the plan becoming a body making man/woman can be diet along with exercise. The singled out movement muscle building has granted you some degree of energy, and the exercising aerobically is a necessary base involving fitness. The mind fatigue can be prevented by muscle exercising. Diet along with exercise include the 2 most crucial things for virtually any body variety. 


The main center of body building technique should center around remarkable intense along with wacky exercises with emphasis on compound moves and further development. Large bulging muscles tissues which comes with the models of weight training magazine covers are because of people keeping company with strength coaching. As per the study, building muscle tissues is just a portion of such a training software. There are other positive aspects that specifically women could appreciate whom don't need to bulk up. Always remember that the person having strong muscle tissues will have lesser risk of problems on the back and other parts of body. The protein in the meat is sufficient, but it isn't really fully absorbed with the body. Consequently, with the whey health proteins, you can be sure that every muscles will get nourished. Another thing needs consideration is that muscle tissues weight over fat. It don't always be, but if you got discouraged after few workouts when you gained body weight, it is a sign that your muscle tissues are losing weight and are developing muscle size.

Heart Attack Treatment and Recovery.

Now a days, majority of people used to die because of Heart Attack. There can be many reasons of heart attack, one and most important is family history, age and sexy and another one is unhealthy life style. These two are the main culprit behind it. Nevertheless, you can prevent heart attack. All you have to do is to choose heathy lifestyle. Here are five tips to prevent and get recovery from heart attacks.

Avoid Tobacco and Tobacco Products

You are heart and blood vessels can be damaged if you are consuming Tobacco in any form. Due to the use of tobacco your arteries or atherosclerosis will get narrowed, which will badly effect your system. Even the social smoking can be a big barrier in the way of healthy heart. Whether you take smokeless tobacco, low tar or low nicotine cigarettes, It does not make any difference in the risk effect. The risk will get doubled when the women on birth control pills consume tobacco. So the only option left is to stay away from tobacco for healthy hart.

A 30-minute Exercise Routine on Most Days of the Week

The risk of heart attack can be reduced by only 30 minutes of daily exercise. To take more benefit out of it, you just need to combine physical activity with other lifestyle measures. Due to exercise, you can control your weight which in turn reduce the chances of developing other conditions that can be a strain on your heart. It is ideal to do 30 to 60 minutes workout. You can keep yourself busy by doing housekeeping, climbing the stairs, walking the dog or gardening.

A Heart-Healthy Diet

The heart healthy diet includes the food low in cholesterol, fat and salt. Try to include the fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products in your daily diet. The risk of heart disease can be lower down by using beans and other low-fat sources of protein and certain types of fish.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The risk of heart disease can be lower down by maintaining the healthy weight. If one puts on the weight in the adulthood will increase the risk of conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Keep close eye on your BMI. Even if you reduce 10 percent of your body weight, then also you will go long way in reducing the risk of heart diseases and heart attack.

Regular Health Monitoring

You need to regularly monitor your health which can give you numbers in terms of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. You are risking your life if you are not monitoring these things properly, which can in turn lead to heart attack.

Heart Attack Management

One should get the medical attention at the earliest to prevent the causes of heart attacks. So it is very much important to get in the well-equipped hospital, which has the expertise in handling such emergencies within shortest span of time. In Chennai, there are some best heart specialist doctors who handle these kind of 24 x 7 ultra modern facility. Some hospitals are there who have set the standard not in Chennai but all over India in robotics and hybrid cardiac surgery.

Can you lose Weight?

There are few things with which almost everyone has to struggle. Unfortunately, weight loss is one of those. Maximum of us generally don't figure out the reason behind it. Due to the lifestyle we live, it becomes extremely easy for us to gain weight. Once you get into this situation, it is not easy to lose weight again. 

But the truth is and perhaps it may surprise you that It is not as difficult as many of us think so. Just be persistent and your work is done. As most of people quit in between and that's where things fall out. So to see the results you need to be on the those always. After two months, it might be possible that you won't see any results, but soon your frustration will go away, just stick on your plan. 

When you are looking for losing weight then two things are advisable. These two things are, improve your diet plan and exercise a little more. I'll offer you the same two nuggets of advice. Just do these two things and see the results. In targeted time period, you will be fitter by losing weight.
While keeping on these two advises, you will came to know that the diet has a massive impact on your weight. So you just need to stop the junk food as much as possible. Follow the diet plan which includes health food. It might not be possible to do so straightaway, but that's okay. Don't try to speed up this process, as you may increase the chances of harming your body. 

Of course, it is very important to do exercise. But be careful while doing exercise, as most of the people starts with lots of enthusiasm, they try to do lots of things, and when nothing works, they get exhausted. So try to start with small. Instead of doing it for couple of hours on the first day, just start with 15 minutes. Slowly and steady increase the timing every week. In a couple of months, you will be fitter and your transition to someone who exercises regularly will be a lot smoother. 

Some of diet pills can be considered such as phen375. There are positive reviews about these weight loss pills. But it is very important not to take any shortcuts as it is regarding your health. So it is very important to take the required time and ensure that you are not risking your health.

Female Hair loss - Treatment

Female can loose the possibility of hair growth by uprooting the DHT and solidifying the scalp. The rise in the DHT may be the indication of hair loss, and you can even stop this by shampooing your hair containing particular items, and then you can see the hair growth indication in 3 to 4 months. Here I am trying to explain the common tips which can be helpful in the treatment of your hair loss, which can include herbs and sustenance's. Just remember that you are not alone, who is tormented with the frustration of hair fall, quick diminishing hair and design sparseness. Around 35 Million men and 21 million ladies in specifically USA are suffering from this hair loss problem. The key of hair growth incorporate the right food, right exercise and sufficient rest and slumber. Do you even realize that your eating methodology is directly proportional to the intensity of your hair fall? Even, your frustration and humiliation can be lightened up by just including the right supplements and sustenance's which can stop female hair loss.

Although for some youngsters, it is a past truth that basic tips such as right food for nourishment can actually re-develop your delegated magnificence and reconstruct your self-regard. The best part about these sustenance for hair growth is that they are easily available and accessible at your neighborhood general store. You can easily include them in your daily dinner. It is very hard for some of us to figure out that how can we stop hair loss by just including these supplements in to our daily eating regimen, as it is a age-old custom. We even don't realize the goodness of these sustenance's which can stop hair loss as they are rich in supplements  like protein, iron, sulphur, vitamin B and E etc. Olive, coconut and also canola oils make incredible hair growth formulas for both provision and utilization. You can use these oils to massage your scalp for better blood circulation two times each day.

Kelp hair growth diet medication has as of late assumed control over the spotlight at the Female hair loss scene. A shifted number of ocean growth including wakame is there in Kelp. It is very normal these days to include kelp could calories into your soups and greens and they can be grown at home or they come generally in dried or transformed structure. Lots of vitamin and minerals are their in them which straightforwardly recharge inadequacies.

On the other hand, If you have a thyroid then it is essential for your to keep an eye on it as iodine level generally climbed up by over ingesting kelp, which can bother your thyroid. So you should consult your doctor about your kelp diet plan. Otherwise it is very beneficial to use kelp in your daily regimen.

Health Tips - Recovery from Mental and Physical Inactiveness

In today's life, it is not so easy to stay healthy and fit, becuase health does not means only stay fit, but it is about physical, mental and emotional fitness. If you physically healthy, but mentaly not active, then you won't be counted as healthy person.So there are lots of tips below to get recovery from physical or mental inactiveness.
So to remain Healthy, follow these guidelines.

1. Eating habits: The strong and key point to remain healthy is eating habits. Try avoiding unhealthy diets as much as possible like fast food, oily food and more spicy food. All you need to do, just eat the food which is required in your body like nutritions, which is atmost need of your body. Add carbs, protein and small amount of fat in your daily meal. which is there in green vegetables, boneless meat, fish, fruits, egg etc. By doing so your heart, brain will get health treatment and your immune system will be fully functional. Eating different variety of these foods will ensure that you will get all the vitamins, minerals, oils for your body. There are some more points comes under eating habits:

    a. Lose weight: If you are overweight as per your size and age, then it is very important for you to lose weight. Because it can severly attack on your heart. So to lose weight, you need to burn the more number of calories than you consume per day. Try avoiding sweets, cheese etc.

    b. Don't skip Meals: Most of us think that to lose weight, it is neccessary to skip the meal. But it is not true, because it can come back hard on your body. So try to take six mini meals rather than 3 larger ones. By doing this you will keep your energy level high, and bloog-sugar level will be under control. But be careful, not to take junk food in place of mini meals. Because junk food means, you are eating calories, which is bad for the health.
    c. Try eating fruits, vegetables twice a day atleast, becuase they are full of vitamins and minerals, which is very much required by your body and immune system. They also have fiber, which keep your digestive system good.
    d. Drink lots of water in a day. As per the studies, a person should drink atleast 6-8 glass of water, because water has no fat at all and by drinking water, you will feel full and will eat less calorie food. Which will help you lose weight.

2. Sleeping well: 7 to 9 hours of sleeping is must for everyone, but for kids it can be extended to 10 to 11. If you want to sleep properly, then complete darkness should be there, a small ray of light can disturb you and you won't get proper rest. Excercise is also another way to get good sleep.

3. Daily Exercise: It is neccessary for everyone to do exercise daily. If you don't want to pay in the gym, then you can do some home exercises like jumping, jogging, cruches, push ups etc. Pushups and Cruches exercises use your body weight which inturn build your muscles. By this way the metabolism system will increase which burns the calories. But don't do same amount of exercise daily, you should vary the timmings otherwise your body will get used to it.

4. Don't smoke, drink and don't get addicted of drug.

5. Be hygenic: Wash your hand atleast 4-5 times in a day like before eating, after touching the sick person etc.

6. Keep a positive mood by dancing, singing and do the work of your interest as this will keep you happy.

By these above ways, you can remain healthy and happy and can live a very joyfull life. Best of Luck........

Make Interest in Cardio Exercise

In today's time, people don't have time to do work out. As per the experts, we should take out at least one hour for work out from our busy schedule. But still some people are there, who can't take out even five minutes from their daily routines. But remember, if you want to lose weight and stay fit, you should do the cardio work out.
So if you choose the work out of your choice, then you won't get bored while working out and you will surely take out some time out of your busy schedule. 

If you choose the activity of your choice, then you will do it with interest and with little more intensity. So don't choose the exercise at the beginning which you don't like. If you love swimming, then it should be the first exercise, so that you can continue with it, and you won't feel tired while doing it. 

Right equipment is also necessary. As it will help you doing the exercise in right way and you won't injure yourself. Like if you do jogging, then right running shoes should be available. 

30-35 minutes are sufficient at the starting: 

It is better to do exercise for 30-35 minutes with interest, so that you get full benefit out of it. It is not beneficial, you are spending hours in the gym without interest. If you will that after 30 minutes, you can continue, then surely you should carry on. 

Plenty of water is Required: 

Hours of time is required for your body to absorb the body. So regular drinking of water is must not just before work out. 

Light weight at the starting: 

Heavy weight at the starting of cardio will not help at all, even it can hurt you severely. So don't get overexcited at the starting point and start with light weight. 

Entertainment Source: 

You should carry an iPod or any music instrument with you, so that you don't get bored. You can put earphones while jogging with your favorite songs. Your mind will be busy with it and you will do your jogging may be for longer period.

Yoga Asanas a treatment at Home

If you are of above 40 age, then it will be difficult for you to go to gym, but still you can do Yoga at home. So It is good suggestion to do Yoga as it can be done at any age in life by anybody. All age groups like children, adults and older people can do it easily. It is like a treatment for old age person as they can get recovery from their joint pains etc.  Even pregnant ladies can also do it. Because it is a good health treatment for them as well. The Asanas and Postures are done slowly like gently stretching and contracting different muscles but it is every effective though.
So you won't ever feel strain on the muscles as it can be done slowly as desired. Infect, in many poses, if the person is able to hold the pose for longer time then it is more beneficial for him. 

Different Exercises in Yoga: 

In the list of all the exercises like aerobics or strength training, Yoga is still on the top of the list. In the recent research as well, Yoga is far more effective then other exercises to reduce weight. As per the studies, it's being shown that people have lost approx 5.8 Kgs in 3 months of yoga. After four weeks of continuous Yoga, the Cholesterol levels start decreasing and even after 2 years there would be steady decrease. As per the study on children, after 12 week period of Yoga, they have lost 2 Kilograms of weight, which increased their overall health. 

Some of the top poses (asanas) for weight loss are Below: 

1. Ardha Chandraasana

2. Vrksasana

3. Naukasana 

4. Utkatasan

5. Dhanurasana

6. Pawanmuktasana
7. Bhujangasana 

8. Trikonasana 

9. Plank Pose 

As per the studies, the Yoga is also recommended for those who are even suffering from coronary artery disease or CAD. If high cholesterol persons can also take down to the normal level in the some weeks. If you are doing Yoga for 1 hrs for 1 year, then you can reduce your weight at normal level. But before begining the Yoga, you should consult your doctor if you have any major disease.
I am not saying this on my personal experience that Yoga is better, but it is being scientifically proven. 

Different Tips for Yoga:

Apart from correct poses and doing on regular basis, there are some tips as well. Like it Yoga should always be done with empty stomach. In yoga session, simple poses can be tough, so it should be done under the guidance of instructor. 

As Diet comes as a part of yoga, this is the good thing about it. But it is not an restriction, because as per many instructors, diet control should be their to maintain healthy body. In this diet control, you are providing everything to the body which it needs, but still you are controlling the excess calories. But excessive reduction in the calories is not recommended. 

Exercise to rejuvenate Mind: 

As we know that Yoga is a good weight loss exercise, this is because most of its asanas are combined with pranayama or yogic breathing exercises. So when they are combined with pranayama, the metabolic rate gets increased and which burns calories must faster than a increase in hart rate. Due to increase in blood circulation, the body gets heat up, which reduce the pain in the joints as well. Try to keep your mind empty, while doing Yoga, it will be much more beneficial for you.