Cardio Exercise treatment at Home

In today's time, no one is having time to take care of his health, but still we have to do so. One best thing is Cardio exercises. This exercise is for promoting the health of the heart. As if you do cardio or aerobic exercise, then the heart rate gets increased by 50% for the long period of time i.e. around 20 minutes. By this increase, the calories starts burning, which in turn burn the fat and due to that we can achieve our goal i.e weight loss. It is the easiest ever exercise which can be done at home, as any normal work at home can be converted into cardio by just increasing its intensity. So no need to go gym, just follow the below list:

1. Stair Climbing

It is the version of step aerobics, and very easy to do it. In the beginning start this exercise for about a minutes i.e. just by climb 2 to 3 steps and then come down. Slowly, increase the number of steps and speed and repetition. As per the recommendation, first timers should starts it slowly. In this exercise the speed can vary, longer flight on steps can be taken and it can be done several times a day.

2. Jumping Jacks

As we know it is a favorite exercise for everyone. Even school children can do it, so it is very simple. Speed and repetitions can vary in this exercise.

3. Push-Ups

This exercise use your body weight, this is mainly to build muscles. As a beginner, you can do this with knees bent or against the wall. Slowly you can adjust its intensity and complexity.

4. Jogging In Place

Another type of exercise is jogging. which is becoming fun now. You can lose your weight by watching the TV. Be sure to wear the comfortable shoes so that your feet won't feel stress. To increase the intensity of it you can life your legs higher.

If you have treadmill, then it will be more beneficial for you, as you can increase the speed and intensity of it very easily.

5. Squats

Another type is squats. This is mainly to build the muscles in your legs and buttocks at the same time.

6. Dancing

Another cardio exercise is dancing. Just play the rocking music and start dancing, it will lift up your mood and simultaneously reduce the weight.

7. Treadmill

If you can invest some money on exercise equipment, then I suggest to buy treadmill. As on treadmill, you can walk and sprint. You can increase the speed and also intensity can be increased by increasing incline level. So it proofs it a very good cardio exercise.

Apart from all the benefits of cardio exercise like heart benefits and weight loss, it also increase the energy levels, reduces stress and increases mental focus. It also improve sleep. If you mix 30 minutes of cardio with 20 minutes of strength training and balanced diet, you will definitely lose weight.

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